
Rudy Miick, CMC, MA

As founder of the Rudy Miick consulting group and Leadership In the Fall Line® Rudy models his methods. His expertise comes from an ongoing blend of experience, grad school academics, hunger for life-long learning, and a never ending quest for high performance.

Rudy’s focus is leadership development, sales building, and profitability. His methodology is driven by the creation of vibrant, values-based business cultures, no matter the industry. Results? We drive performance that exceeds median averages by 3 to 5 times in bottom line performance. This improvement ends up a combination of both top and bottom line performance shifts. How? Finding flow, finding balance, and learning how to deal with change while in motion.

Rudy’s skill is providing a real sense of safe support. He’s able to create shifts in leadership performance, both in attitude and action. He says, “I get concerned when I hear, ‘This is who I am and how I lead.’ There’s a lot of truth in the old saying, ‘the habits that got you here are not likely to be the habits that will get you where you want to go.” Expect changes, and an evolution of skill in your time with Rudy.